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Things to Know Before Visiting Vanuatu

Things to Know Before Visiting Vanuatu

The trip to Vanuatu may sound a bit low-key than any other glittering Southern Pacific island, but this underrated country offers an array of adventure and views in abundance. This article will look in detail, some of the very essential things which you need to know before you plan the trip to explore the fascinating corner of the South Pacific region.

IMAGE LINK: https://unsplash.com/photos/u4t8bZm85gk

Why visit Vanuatu? 

Do you consider yourself a beach lover? How about getting the primeval white glazing sand and crystal clear water, to amuse yourself? If you are an adventure lover, the place is no less, as an array of activities such as Canyoning, snorkeling, trekking, sailing, and kayaking along with the sweltering Mt Yasur volcano. For the one who considers themselves the scuba junkies, the land is the home to one of the shipwrecks dives, accompanied by the astounding coral reef and World War II diving sites. Moreover, Vanuatu’s culture is a long written story of more than 2500 years and offers opportunities to witness and immerse the vivacious traditions and vibrant cultures never seen before. 

Do you need a Visa for Vanuatu?

If you are a citizen of any of the Commonwealth countries or belong to the European Union country, or the US, you surely don’t need any visa to visit Vanuatu. You just need a passport with a minimum validity of six months and an onwards ticket. On arrival, you will be getting a 30-day stay, which can be further extended to four months once you reach this place. 

How do you Travel to Vanuatu? 

For traveling to Vanuatu, there are air routes as the country has two international airports namely the Bauerfield International Airport aside the Port Vila on the main island of Efate, and Pekoa International Airport near Luganville on the island of Espiritu Santo. Most of the international flights are landing at Port Vila, where one can make a domestic transfer to the other islands. Vanuatu’s capital, Port Vila, can be reached directly from Sydney and Brisbane of Australia and even from Auckland in New Zealand. There is even a direct flight from Brisbane to the island of Espiritu Santo. In all, the time duration is 3.5 hours from Sydney to Port Vila and then 50 minutes’ domestic flight to Santo. 

What Languages do People of Vanuatu Speak? 

Ni-Vanuatu or ni-Van are the inhabitants of Vanuatu. While there are more than 100 local languages across the archipelago, the official languages are three in number which is Bislama, English, and French. Bislama is a unique form of English that is quite specific to the ni-Van and the common language in terms of people communicating with each other. But if one knows and is fluent in speaking English, he/she would not face any communication barrier. 

When is the Best Time to Visit Vanuatu? 

Vanuatu is much of a tropical island, which gets an abundance of sunshine throughout the year. However, the best time of the year is between April and October, which is deemed as winter and spring, and the temperature is in lows to the mid 20 degrees. On the contrary, the wet season which falls between November to March is quite hot and humid. The temperature falls between the high 20s and to mid-30S. In the typical tropical environment, the precipitation is quite heavy but in brief intervals. There is a cyclone season in the region, so one must check all the weather reports before heading towards the holiday. 

Vanuatu Food and Drinks 

The majority of the inhabitants in the country grow their food locally or find a source. There is huge fun in visiting the local market to have a sheer sense of diversity in fruits and vegetables, especially in the market of Port Vila and Luganville. The best thing found in the cuisines is the Vanuatu portions of beef, which is surely top-notch. Unsurprisingly, this is oblivion when we see the view of the country’s chilled cows gazing beneath palm trees. 

With the land offers so much, one can think to make an investment and living in nature’s marvel. Residency by investment Vanuatu is surely an option one can go through for a secure future. This process is further made easy through government-designated agents that help through this hassle-free process. 

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