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Your next employer should be doing these four things for their staff…

When it comes to your professional life, it’s important that you have an employer that respects you, your skill set and your job title. You can only do so much as a worker; therefore, you need to make sure that you have a reasonable employer that brings out the best in you. If you constantly feel demoralised by your current company, it may be time for you to consider finding a new employer. Before you start on the job hunt, have a think about the sort of employer you want to work under. Your next employer should really be doing these four things to ensure that their staff are happy.

Flexible Working Hours

Nowadays, it’s important for your employer to realise that you do have a life outside of your office. You have personal responsibilities, a social life and may even need to travel around the country. That’s why it’s important for your business to have a flexible working scheme that can accommodate your life’s hectic schedule. In the 2018 Global Talent Trends study, it was discovered that 51% of employees wished their company offered more flexible working hours. After all, it’s perfect if you are a parent or a carer, as you can choose your starting and ending times, as well as whether you need to work from home for the day. If your employer does not handle a flexible schedule request in a reasonable manner then you can take them to an employment tribunal.


When it comes to physical problems, like a broken leg or the flu, most workers understand that this can prohibit people from coming into work. But when it comes to mental ailments, employers tend to be less understanding. This is because the actual problem cannot be seen. Whether you suffer from stress, anxiety, depression or another mental health disorder, it is important that your next employer accommodates you for it. Mindfulness is important when it comes to ensuring that you are happy, healthy and productive in the work place.

A good office will make sure to keep your feelings in mind when it comes to the work environment. They may even incorporate mental health training days, such as employee wellbeing solutions from LifeWorks, to make sure that all employees can deal with stress and anxiety-related problems.

Work Tasks

Unfortunately, when it comes to your position in a firm, sometimes your employer can try and shove more tasks on you than you may know how to accomplish. If a business is understaffed, your employer may want to take on tasks that are out of your skill range. Try not to be bullied into undertaking tasks you don’t know how to accomplish. An attentive employer should be utilising the strength of their employees instead of forcing to take on more work than necessary.


Never underestimate the power of a good reward! Your next employer should be making sure that they know how to reward you for your hard work. That way you can feel motivated to keep producing your best work for them. A reward does not need to be much, but just some time off, a bonus or even a meal out is more than enough to motivate you and your team!

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