CBD oil can nearly be found almost anywhere and is an increasingly popular choice for a supportive aid with medical ailments for humans and animal species. The most common of the benefits for pets and people include help with pain, calming anxiety, and relief of stress. Unfortunately, pet parents are turning to the substance in many instances without the guidance of a qualified veterinarian. In not having a consultation with a professional, there is the potential for interaction with other medications the animal may be on or mis dosing or purchasing products that are of lesser quality than a vet could recommend.
A new form of treatment should never be introduced without the supervision and monitoring of a veterinary provider. The qualified professional has the credential to, most importantly, diagnose what precisely is happening with your furry friend and implement a plan of care. The two of you can develop a course of treatment inclusive of CBD products for which there is a vast array on the market (see petcbdcommunity.com). But they will have the qualifications to recommend the highest quality and those that have been third-party tested.
Safety And CBD Oil For Pets
The ASPCA or American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals indicates that there are few studies on record concerning the safety of CBD in association with animals. It is vital to take into consideration the fact that there is the potential for your pet to overdose on these products with symptoms that can mimic a THC overdose meaning if you have CBD laced treats, they should stay stored away. There is other important information to arm yourself with before you begin treatment that you may not be aware of:
- As with humans, the animal’s body has an endocannabinoid system that will regulate the overall ideal balance or homeostasis. The compound has trace amounts of THC, which in large quantities, has the potential to be toxic to an animal. The oil is non-psychoactive, disallowing the ability for a pet to get ‘high.’
- Top veterinarians have taken time to research CBD hemp oil for management of pain, cardiovascular, mental health, orthopedics within the various species with results showing that there was a reduction in psychotic behavior and a noticeable impact on a decrease in pain. As animals age and deal with the onset of various ailments inclusive or arthritis and certain cancers, pain is a definitive factor. These conclusions show that this substance can be quite advantageous in conjunction with any form of treatment that a vet may feel is necessary for the ailment. If you want to know if you should give this compound a try with your pet, go to https://www.consumerreports.org/cbd/should-you-try-cbd-your-pet/.
- The suggestion with this treatment for pets is as it would be for humans, always begin with the smallest dose, start small and bump it up gradually until the desired result is apparent. Once you reach that level, stay there. Again, a vet is going to the expert voice in this situation to let you know an approximate amount that will be necessary for the size and species. There are also products explicitly marketed for animals that will provide instruction on how to dose for your particular pet and the size, but you want to take these to the vet for their opinion. Don’t do anything without the advice of the vet.
- The ‘rule-of-thumb’ is that you should never give your animal a product that you wouldn’t feel comfortable taking yourself. The claim is that humans and animals do have the option of using the same products. The suggestion is to research for a reputable company and do extensive research beginning with the certificate of analysis or COA coming from the manufacturer. The certificate will tell you that the item label is accurate as far as the ingredients it claims to offer. It’s crucial to ensure that it is plentiful in CBD and either trace or null in THC.
Everyone wants their pets to live their best life with good health and happiness. When their health begins to deteriorate, difficult decisions arise whether to put them on the harsh pharmaceuticals to combat the ailments yet subject them to adverse effects or allow them to suffer through the consequences of the condition. To see our fur baby in pain is not acceptable. Now there is a natural option available for pets that deem to be safe for their consumption. It isn’t approved or regulated, but it shows results without harm. Take this to find out about anxiety and pain for animals who take this substance.
In a variety of international trials, CBD has seen success for anxiety relief, with seizures and epilepsy, cancer, nausea and vomiting, inflammation, and so much more. But studies are still being conducted here on the benefits for our animals. There are a wide variety of opinions on the subject. But many vets are on board with the idea of using the product with their patients. There’s just a large number who are legally restricted from having the discussion.