The purchase of social media features is a topic which is a hot one at this moment in time, given the number of people who are taking to social media in a bid to promote themselves on the world stage. Because of the sheer number of social media users adopting this approach, setting up a social network account of your own for this purpose can be a daunting task. There is so much competition around and a lot of them will already have a headstart. This is where the need and demand for social media features comes into play. By paying for them, you can make sure that you will get the interaction required to stand out from the crowd. With more interaction, you will be able to make your account more visible and more people will be drawn towards your profile. As we mentioned before, this is particularly important when you are just starting up on social media and you have no levels of engagement whatsoever. Websites like Iigers can help you out by providing the features you desire while this article will tell you why paying for social media features can give your profile a boost.

Your engagement levels increase

Being a success on social media is all about getting people to take notice of your account and what it has to offer. When you create a profile on a social network, you start off with no engagement whatsoever. This is something you need to build up. This is done by having other social media users interact with your profile. When other users view your profile, like your content, comment on what you have uploaded or become a follower of your profile, this is considered to be interaction. Once you get more interaction, your profile becomes more visible as it may be recommended to more and more users while others will be more likely to stumble across it. Once this happens, more engagement is likely to come your way. In this sense, it is like a snowball rolling down a hill and growing bigger all the time. In this example, buying social media features can be seen as making the initial snowball as it gets the whole thing moving.

You can control the interaction that happens with your account

If you are paying for these features then you have control over how this interaction takes place, to some extent. You can control the number of views or likes you pay for and then decide when to add them and to what post or content you want to add them to. If you take the time, you can prepare a detailed strategy in terms of adding these interactions at the right time and making sure that you are spreading the engagement about in a careful manner and not adding it all at once. By doing this, you will get more value for your money.

You can make sure you are not being taken in by bot accounts

Bot accounts are automated social media accounts that are run by computers and are programmed to replicate the online behaviour of human social media users. These accounts are not considered to be the most reliable if being paid for as they frequently give an appearance of being unprofessional and not being of a genuine nature. Such impressions will affect how your profile is viewed in general. Therefore, it is best to avoid bot accounts. By paying for social media features, you can assure yourself of where these features are being sourced from as they tend to come from real social media users. You can take your time to go through the profiles of those accounts which provide you with social media features and once you have checked them over for the telltale signs (lack of a profile picture, unusual user activity, awkward interaction with other users, no original content), you can rest assured that you are paying for a quality product.

You can decide how to apply them to your account in the most effective way

This is the most important part as while you are paying for a product, you want to be sure that you are getting value for your money. The main social media features that are available are views, likes, comments and followers. Here, we will give you some ideas about how to get the most out of them when you are paying for them.


In the case of views, it is recommended that you simply add as many views as possible to the content you are looking to promote. Views don’t work in any other way so there is nothing else that can be done with them.


Likes work in a similar way to views: if you want to bring a particular post to the attention of others, you will need to make sure it gets more interaction. This can be done by adding as many likes as you wish, though there is no other way to make them work for you.


Unlike the two above, a different tact is recommended in the case of comments. This is because comments tend to generate more interaction on their own as other social media users tend to respond to comments with view, likes and additional comments. Therefore, by adding just one or two comments to a post, you are likely to vastly increase the overall interaction associated with that post.


When it comes to followers, it is suggested that you add them to your account steadily over a period of time. Adding them all at once is likely to cause a sudden spike in the interaction your account has but this will slowly fade away. By adding followers at regular intervals, your interaction level will gradually grow.

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