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Here Are The Most Luxurious Destinations to Visit in the Mediterranean

As Covid restrictions open up across the world, and you begin to plan your first real vacation, we invite you to make your next trip to the Mediterranean Sea. Once ruled by the Roman empire, the nations in and around the Mediterranean are some of the most beautiful, luxurious places imaginable. Let’s take a look at some of the hottest vacation spots here.


A lot of people think about the Mediterranean and picture something like this: Some warm land in Europe, some dry desert in Africa, and a bunch of water in between. The truth is, some of the region’s best kept secrets are islands in between. Take Formentera for example. The beautiful island off the coast of Spain is small, but gorgeous. It has long white beaches with clear blue water, and the climate is brisk, warm and relaxed. Many people don’t talk about this place for fear of it becoming popular. We recommend going to one of the most spacious luxury villas in formentera while you still can. 


While we’re on the topic of hidden gems, the shining deserts of North Africa are some of the most underrated tourist attractions in the entire area. Why sit in some crowded Italian tourist trap when you can enjoy luxurious travel across Morocco and other warm North African nations? This hub of ancient civilizations, fascinating culture, and warm getaways is a sure way to attract you on your next trip. There’s plenty to do here, like visit ruins of temples, sit in the hot springs, or take a VIP camel ride across the country! 

Southern France

No Mediterranean vacation list is complete without stepping on the mainland of Western Europe. For many, the warm beaches and sunny living of France is a number one destination. The south of France is one of those places that few regret going to, and for good reason! We recommend starting in a town like Avignon where you can see dozens of historical sites and archeological masterpieces. This countryside beauty is littered with breathtaking castles, monasteries, and hills that look like they were painted by Monet! 


If you look on a map, Sicily looks a lot like the “boot” of Italy, but if you go there, it’s so much more than that. A lot of tourists favor Northern cities like Rome or Milan, and the amazement and wonder of Sicily is often left behind. Here are some reasons you shouldn’t miss it on your Mediterranean adventure: 

  • The amazing food: There’s no doubt in anyone’s mind that Sicily has some stellar Italian food. While everyone likes a nice pasta or slice of pizza, Sicily offers a little bit more: The seafood is much fresher and a bigger part of the Sicilian diet, and it’s proximity to Arabia gives it a spicy and new flavor.
  • Amazing beaches: Some of these coastal towns have the prettiest sunsets in Europe, and the sandy shores are plentiful down here. 
  • Authentic wine: Sicily’s warm climate makes it perfect for grape harvesting, and tasting! 
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