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Coolest Places to Visit Around the World

We’re always showered with a state of endless possibilities in international travel. Every magazine, TV show, and social media post likes to brag about some cool new spot, which can make it hard to figure out where you want your next trip to be. With this guide, we’ll show you some of the coolest, most underrated places to visit across the world! 


There are SO many reasons to be visiting places in California! It’s got year round sunshine, fantastic theme parks, and more! California is one of those places that fits the vacation no matter what kind of traveler you are. Are you an urban type looking for fine cuisine and luxurious living? You can choose from cities like Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, and more in the most populated state in the union! Perhaps you’re looking to get out and experience nature. California has some of the best, most beautiful and expansive national parks, along with sights such as it’s long coastline and dreamy redwoods! 

Eastearn Europe 

If you’re looking for an authentic cultural experience that’s still packed with a reasonable amount of creature comforts, this is the place for you. While tourist countries like France, England, and Spain have been highly developed and turned into metropolises, the East still has a feel of culture and consistency. A great plan is touring the Balkan states, where you can be on the Adriatic coastline not too far from Italy, but also experience a rich culture untouched by westernization. 


Whilst on the topic of an enriching experience, Tahiti is one of the largest tropical islands in its region, full of luxurious resorts, warm beaches, and fruitful marketplaces. It’s location makes it truly unique to most of the world’s inhabitants, and the cuisine is out of this world! Many visitors love the glowing ecosystem from the rich forests to the snorkeling adventures underwater. 

Costa Rica

A lot of Costa Rica can be experienced in the fruitful rainforests, with beautiful birds like Toucans and parakeets, to monkeys and other fascinating forms of jungle life. Here, you can find the same blue beaches and lush stays as Tahiti, with a connection to latin America as a whole.


The most populated city in the world is decades ahead of the rest of the planet in culture and technology. The mega city is loud with people on every street corner, restaurants and activities everywhere, and an arts hub like you’ve never seen before. If you’re not all about the city, no worries. You won’t be far from some of Japan’s most serene cherry blossoms and lush gardens/forests.


If you’re looking for the ultimate getaway in a unique area of the world, this nation of over 100 islands off the coast of Africa is perfect for you! The white beaches, huge boulders, and serene pictures are probably very familiar to you: Many of your computer wallpapers come from here! There’s lots to do on the islands, which are full of bike tours, colorful birds, and beautiful reptiles. It truly is heaven on Earth!

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