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Camping Gear List for the Wild at Heart

People always find ways to go back to nature. I guess somewhere deep within us, we will always have this longing for our roots. No matter how much civilization has advanced and “will advance” in the future, our primordial instincts still tell us that we belong in the arms of Mother Nature. This is probably why we tend to feel suffocated or trapped whenever we’re stuck in the urban setting for prolonged periods of time.

While city life may certainly be convenient, it lacks that freshness – that vigour for life. Check out this interesting Nat Geo article about it: https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2016/01/call-to-wild/.

But it’s not like you have a choice, right? You can’t possibly run back to the woods, change into thongs, and just swing from tree to tree like good old Tarzan. Bustling cities are our life line. It is where we earn our keep; it’s where we learn ways to survive.

They sure weren’t kidding when they said that life in the city is way more aggressive than in the jungle. In the jungle, you can get by with the abundance of nature. In the city, the minute you stop working is the moment you cease living. It’s a real challenge just trying to keep yourself afloat in this “highly civilized world.”

But hear ye, hear ye. Should the time come that you feel so fed up about living in the smug and smog of city life, always remember that it’s okay to offer yourself an escape. I’m not suggesting that you run away, start living like a nomad and never come back. What I’m trying to say is that you should offer yourself a temporary recluse – a time to recharge your mind, body, and spirit.

And what better way to feel alive again than to go on a camping trip!

Wait, what?

Aren’t Camping Trips For Babies?

First of all, babies can’t camp. Toddlers can but they still need parental supervision. I know that the idea is somewhat bizarre and uncanny, especially for someone who’s in the working age however, I still believe that spending a night with nature (and nothing but nature) has some of the best therapeutic and rejuvenating effects in the world! In fact, as an adult, there are so many things that you can try during this trip that you’re not allowed to do when you were younger. Read more about the glorious activities you can do in the wild.

For one, you can go on a real hike. You can gather the whole gang and plan an overnight trip in the woods complete with a hiking itinerary the day after. The best part about this is that you can do everything without having your parents constantly pestering you about it. Now that you’re an adult, you can make decisions for yourself – where to go, what to do, and who to go with.

Camping becomes an even more exciting experience now that you’re legally allowed to make decisions for yourself! On that note, you also have to make sure that the decisions you make for the trip are wise. For example, when it comes to the gear you’re bringing with you.

Remember: You can never be too prepared. While this may be a fun experience, it’s a little scary too so make sure that you come ready! Here are some things you should never forget to pack:


If you’re going into the woods, this is a big necessity. There is probably going to be zero electricity out there so a flashlight or battery light is something that you really need to bring. While most camp sites are pretty well lit, you can never guess when an outage would happen so best prepare!

Power Bank

Communication lines should always be open just in case. Of course, you don’t try to use your phone for social media, games, or anything lame like that while camping but you should keep it handy in case of emergency. A power bank is insurance in case your battery runs out. Again, don’t use it up on something completely unnecessary. Check out Travel TMI – guide to travel and camping for more detailed tips.

First-Aid Kit

Pack up medicine for allergies, flu, infections, and also cream for skin rash. Make sure to bring Band-Aids and gauze tapes for cuts as well. If you don’t do outdoor overnight trips often, your body may not be accustomed to the many natural forces present out there. And as ironic as this may sound, your body may have a certain reaction to it. Just to be sure, it’s important that you have a small but convenient first-aid kit in your pack.

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